Monday, January 14, 2019

Homework for B-Day - 14 January 2019

Russian Students - You all have quizzes on Wednesday. Be aware of what you should do in order to prepare as well as the topics for your quizzes.

Russian I - Your quiz will focus on the use of nominative, accusative, and prepositional cases. You should be able to explain why a case is being used and how to change the ending of a word in order to show that it is in a particular case. Practicing with our exercises (1.8A and 1.8D) as well as reviewing our classwork today would be very helpful with this.

Additionally, if you are missing any work or need to redo any tests you only have this week remaining for that. I will not accept any reassessments past Friday of this week.

Advanced Russian - Your quiz will focus on our first four verbs of motion (which really means eight verbs of motion). You'll be asked to define, use, translate, and identify. Know their meaning as well as their usage. You should also be aware of how to use various cases and prepositions in order to clarify the destination or origination of an action.

Keep in mind the same note about missing projects, tests, or the desire to complete a reassessment this week.

AP Seminar

Today we turned in Annotated Bibliographies. I'll assess these this week and enter your scores in PowerSchool. Through this week, you should all be focused on developing your IRR. With your IRR, be sure that you are using your sample documents (found in Google Classroom), the rubric for the IRR (found in Google Classroom), and your groupmates. Keep in mind that there are three submissions for the IRR - we should continue to refine and develop these works as we keep going through the process. Your first submission is due on Friday.

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