Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Homework for A-Day Students: 22 January

AP English III

Today was a day devoted to close reading - remember that we were working out this particular muscle as we're going to be using it a TON for the midterm examination on Thursday. As you complete the multiple choice aspect of the midterm you are doing a close reading of the questions, answer choices, and the passages themselves. On the rhetorical analysis your task is to present a close reading in words as you accomplish the goal of the prompt.

Next week we will have our ending of Beloved with our project presentations on Monday and Wednesday and the final projects coming due on Friday. Remember that you will likely share a link to your project in order to submit it to me. I will have a rubric for you to outline the way in which you'll be graded.

Please use the slides to give yourself checkpoints as you are finishing your project and preparing for your presentation. Remember that I am available to give extra feedback as it is needed.

English IV

Today in class we did a bit of creative writing, a bit of study and analysis of our poem "About School" and then we did some writing before finishing our poet projects. All a lot of great work focused on poetry skills.

Next class we're going to have a quiz to check in on our reading and understanding skills. As a way to prepare, look over all of your notes on literary devices and poetry reading skills. It would be a great idea to bring a dictionary with you next class too - remember that knowing the words is one of the best ways to understand what a poem is saying!

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