Thursday, February 8, 2018

Homework for the Weekend - B Day - 8 February 2018

AP English III

Today we did a lot of really good thinking and reflecting related to the concepts of "the veil" and "double consciousness" - these understandings will lead to a lot of benefits as we move through Invisible Man for the rest of the unit. I look forward to looking at your takeaways and self-reflections.

For the weekend you should all be focused on your synthesis sourcepack assignment related to your research papers. If you go to Google Classroom you will find template documents which you can use and edit to create your own sourcepack. You should actively use SIRS or other online resources to help you compile and create your documents. It is completely possible that you can submit this early and have this part of the research paper finished.

Otherwise, make sure that you are ready for Monday with a copy of Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (there will be some in class for you to check out if you need to). Wednesday we will do our first synthesis timed writing. Friday I'll be collecting your synthesis source packs. Be sure that you use this weekend to get prepared for the week ahead!

English IV

We will begin reading the actual text of Frankenstein next class after we finish our presentations. Make sure that you have communicated with your group to complete all of the questions, import images, and complete your citations for your information. If you need to finish your project at all, be sure that it is finished this weekend.

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