Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Homework for Honors English II - 1/22/2014

I'm glad that we all got a chance to get a bit of extra sleep today.  Given that I and the swim team are about to have a very late night, the extra sleep will sure come in handy.  Here are your reminders for tonight.

Honors English II

For tonight you need to start on your THREE vocabulary slides/cards which you will be studying in this first round.  Remember that you can pick from words one through twenty from the list, but be sure that you've encountered the word in the text since you have to write out the sentence.  Remember that for this assignment you will need to use either PowerPoint or index cards - either is fine for me.  Have all of the required information and ask if you need help, especially with the word origin information.

Next class we'll get caught up with Oedipus and hopefully move on to the third portion.

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