Saturday, April 25, 2009

Weekend Work

On Tuesday/Wednesday you will be peer editing in class. You will need to bring a rough draft of your essay to class with you. Be sure that your rough draft is complete. Furthermore, we will start working on our study of novels on Tuesday/Wednesday. Make sure that you keep up with your reading - we will have our first reading quiz next week.


Unknown said...

hi mr.miller my mom and me are trying to figure out the meter of the poem "Back Again Home". she wanted me to ask you what the stresses are on the word insecurity. Are the stresses in in and cu and ty? It seems unclear on the example you have and is making it difficult to figure out what you are asking for. I assume that stress goes with rhythm as well as number of syllables in the word.


Unknown said...

never mind mr.miller we figured it out

Daniel Miller said...

The syllable count is five. IN - SE - CUR - I - TY. As far as the stresses, it's hard to tell without seeing the line in context. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.