Friday, November 12, 2021

12 and 15 November - Beginning Unit 3

AP Language

What a great day! I'm feeling a lot better and getting back to myself. I was very glad to be with you all today and take you through our overview of The Great Gatsby. The slides from today's class are posted as is the recording of the overview. Feel free to review these documents as you check and review your notes.
Over the weekend, and to start the unit, we'll be reading some parallel texts to help us better appreciate the novel. Tonight, it's Joan Didion. You can find her in the Unit 3 Folder. Read and annotate this text. Consider the idea of the observer, the idea of honesty and memory and accuracy, and the idea of a reliable narrator. These connections will help us to better understand Nick when we meet him. I would also recommend beginning your vocabulary now - don't wait!

Websites are due at the end of the weekend. Hit publish, and then turn in the link. Only one person needs to do this for the group. If there is anything else that you need to turn in from Unit 2, be sure to do so quickly, as it will soon incur a late penalty.

As always, if there is anything I can do for you, please let me know!

English 10

A good day filled with some good work! I am very glad to see how well you are completing your work and wrapping up this unit. Today we took time to read our books, finish our character trackers, and review our final projects for class. Next week we'll pivot over to our writing and start finishing our projects.

Over the weekend, be sure that you have any of your previous assignments complete. Especially the vocabulary and the character tracker. The character development tracker is a great tool to help you write your paragraphs for your soundtrack project - you'll use a lot of those ideas as you write your paragraphs.

I've included our screenshot from our notes today in class - this may be a useful document for you as you're thinking about your books, characters, and your soundtrack project.

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