Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Beginning the Week - Tuesday the 27th

English 10

Today in class we focused on reading to cover pages 117 to 126. This section of the novel is important because it highlights some important conflicts and examples of irony in the text so far. Next class we'll look at another section of the novel to prepare us for the end.

Use your homework time right now to catch up on any missed assignments. Remember that if you're missing an assignment from last week, there are recordings to help you with your submission. If you want to use a freebie or extra credit, please say so in a comment.

Next week we'll be finishing the book. Be sure that you're keeping up with your annotations and vocabulary. We'll have a final assessment at the end of the unit and then our end of the year work. Be sure to stay focused and use class time effectively to not have a lot to do at the end of the year.

AP English Language

Today was our day to work through a full length exam MCQ as a team. Since we were working as a team, you likely worked a bit more slowly than normal. Those of us in class took time at the end of the section to compare and discuss answer choices - especially some questions that were a bit challenging.

Be sure that your group has submitted answers via AP Classroom or a Google Doc on the assignment. All group names should be on the document if submitted there. I would also recommend submitting your answers on AP Classroom to get feedback on your choices. Grades will be posted for the groups soon and we'll review once all the data is in.

Tonight, be sure to work on vocabulary cards and your reading for next class. Today was a bit of a bore because of our focus on MCQs - so next class we'll have some time for arts and crafts, of a sort. Chapters 16, 17, and 18 are a great section of the novel. I'm looking forward to your thoughts.

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