Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Beginning Week 30 - 20 April 2021

AP Language

Today was our day to focus on reading quickly and addressing our required task - reading and writing. There was a secondary focus today on teamwork and building stamina as we had two things to complete - an MCQ and FRQ. We'll have a lot of extra credit built in to today's Matchbox. Scores will be uploaded later this week - it'll take time for me to read over the FRQs.

For this afternoon, be sure to complete your reading and annotating in Invisible Man - Chapters 13, 14, and 15. We'll work through the chapters as a team on Thursday. I've unlocked your next MCQ for your independent work. Remember it will lock at 11:45 on Monday. We'll have vocabulary turned in soon - you should hopefully be finding your tenth word soon. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you!

English 10

Today in class we spent our time reading and understanding a key component to the novel - Tiurin's Story. Remember that you can complete the reading questions via the Google Document or the PearDeck slides. I'll be checking them tomorrow for your answers and work. From our reading, you should also be able to find a few vocabulary words.

For tonight, be sure to keep reading. Make it through to page 100 to finish the scene of the men working. Also be sure to take time to check in on any missing assignments like your Illustrated Quotation or the Grammar Test on No Red Ink. These are both major assignments and worth a lot of points. I look forward to seeing you all next class for some more time in the prison and a closer look at some of our themes.

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