Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Homework for A Day - 13 November 2019

AP Research

Today we had an assessment followed by working time. I was happy with what I saw on the assessment. If you missed something, it was probably because you were confusing unethical practices with poor method design. Remember that if we're working in the spirit of ethics, we are doing what is needed. There are some issues that we can't correct, but we need to be able to explain them clearly.

Tonight your first priority is to complete your DRAFT proposals. Submit that to Google Classroom so that I can read and review. After that, it's time to start constructing the pieces for your beast. Think about your method. Conference with your peer. Log your work and conferences! Think about your consent forms and instruments. Keep grinding away!

Russian I

Today in class we started our work with cases. We're focusing on learning the PREPOSITIONAL CASE first because the changes are pretty straightforward and easy to track and see. Tonight, practice with this first case by completing the exercise given to you. Look at the question. Write your answer using the verb жить - to live. Be sure to put the word in the parenthesis in the PREPOSITIONAL CASE by changing the ending.

Remember that we'll have our verb quiz reassessment next week. Review and study - let me know what you may need.

Advanced Russian

Today in class was all about numbers, the genitive case, and vocabulary! Lots of new words and information today in class, so we'll be working with it over the next few days. Begin to learn the numbers and the questions/prepositions used with them. Tonight, your homework is pretty basic. Learn the numbers. Learn how to say them. Write them. Use them. The more that you do, the better you will learn.

Complete the three exercises on the sheet I gave you today in class. Write out all numbers as words. Be sure that you are focused on learning the spelling and the pronunciation of the words. We'll be playing with numbers all this week!

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