Monday, November 25, 2019

Homework/Reminders - Thanksgiving Break - A Day

AP Research

This is the major push time everyone! It's time to put together all of the pieces for IRB approval next week. This is your major goal. In order to pass IRB you will need the DPS Proposal Form complete as it applies to your study. You will also need to have any consent forms and method tools like surveys and questions prepared. I would compile everything into one space and share that with Dr. Spencer. Her email is julie [underscore] spencer [at] dpsnc [dot] net.

Outside of this you should start writing. Complete your outline documents and then start writing it all up. Use Manzanar as a model for this work. Use your templates too. If you have more of this content written now, it makes the work ahead even easier!

Enjoy Thanksgiving Break!

Russian I

There are no assignments for you to complete over Thanksgiving Break! I hope that you all enjoy the time with family and friends away from school. I would suggest finding time every day to work on and review your grammar and vocabulary skills while you're away. Spend time with Duolingo or with your vocabulary/grammar skills from your textbook.

Be aware that we will have a test on Chapter One on 12/6. When we return from break we'll prepare for this test and keep learning some of our cases in Russian grammar.

Advanced Russian

There are no assignments for you to complete over Thanksgiving Break! I hope that you all enjoy the time with family and friends away from school. I would suggest finding time every day to work on and review your grammar and vocabulary skills while you're away. Spend time with Duolingo or with your vocabulary/grammar skills from your textbook.

If you did not complete the number quiz well, then review that in preparation for your reassessment. We'll be taking our test on this unit before Winter Break, so preparing to meet that goal will be good for you to do.

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