Friday, May 10, 2019

Homework for the Weekend - A Day - 10 May

AP English III

For those of you who were away taking the AP US History Examination this morning, I wish you nothing but the best. I hope that your DBQ was clear and that you were able to bring some of your own information to the forefront. Here are your reminders for the weekend:

  1. Motif Projects - Be sure that you have completed your 1Q1P, motif charts, and illustration of the quotation. I'll accept these on Monday and Tuesday if you were not in class today.
  2. Steinbeck Nominations - You'll have one more section of class to work on this. Remember that there is the poster and the presentation. Know what you'll be arguing about your nominee to give them the best chance of winning.
  3. Exam Needs Assessment - Next class we will be doing our full AP Exam review. Please go to Google Classroom and complete the form so that I can tailor our review to be the most helpful.
Your examination will be on Wednesday morning. Be at the church on time. I'll be there to wish you all the best and give you any last words before you go in and do the dance!

English IV

Today in class we looked at a different type of text and a different type of question. Remember that you'll see a few different types of texts on your NCFE. That's why we've read so many different types of things. Be ready by reviewing strategies for each type of text/question. From there it was independent working time for novels, study guides, or book projects before we finished up with our book and vocabulary quiz.

For this weekend it would be a good idea for you to complete your brainstorming related to your essay. Remember that you are selecting a major character from your book and talking about the type of person the character is and comparing the character to yourself. This is our key work to finish the year - so be sure that you're ready to work on this over the next few classes!

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