Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Finishing Strong - Final Reminders for A Day Students

This will be the final post for the 2018-2019 Academic Year. It's been a real pleasure this year; challenging at times, but that just makes it a bit sweeter in my book. Here are your reminders to close out the quarter and for your final examination.

AP English III

There are two assignments left to complete for the quarter. The first is our movie review of The Grapes of Wrath. Your assignment and rubric are posted on Google Classroom. Please submit a hard copy to me or an electronic copy to the space on Google Classroom by the end of the day on Friday for it to be scored as on-time. Late assignments will be accepted.

The final day to do any changes to grades with rubles or Falcon Feathers is Tuesday. The final day to submit any missing work is Friday of this week - the last day of class.

On Friday we will have our classroom celebration/party/review for the final examination. Remember to bring your item, your character, and your entry ticket. The entry ticket (Character Sheet) is your final grade of the year.

Your examination will consist of ten identifications and two essays. A1 will have their exam in the morning on May 29. A4 will have their exam on the afternoon of May 31. I'll review exemptions on Friday, you can also email if you are curious.

English IV

Due to the fact that we are running low on time in the end of the year, I have changed your final essay to a final slide show. In this slide show you'll be comparing yourself and at least one character from our study in this final unit. The topic is maturity - specifically what makes us into adults. You'll have almost all of class on Friday to work on and submit this final assignment to me.

Your examination is a computer-based NCFE. Your exam will happen on May 31 in the morning and we will test in room 204. Please be early.

Any work to be scored by me needs to be turned in on Friday. Especially if you are missing anything. If you would like to use rubles or Falcon Feathers on your grade for extra credit, you will have time to do that on Tuesday as well.

All grades for Quarter 4 will be finalized by the end of the day on Tuesday. Do not come to me on Wednesday for extra credit as it will be too late for that.

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