Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Final Reminders - Closing out 2018-2019

Good Afternoon and Happy Last Day of Class! (LDOC) 

Here are a few reminders for you as we get ready for finals.

1. The only thing that will be accepted is final changes to grades with rubles and Falcon Feathers. You have until Friday. Please see me in the morning or during the period between exams. I have had to leave early today, so I'll keep accepting extra credit this week.

2. There is an examination ready for every student. Do not miss your exam. Do not think that you are exempt from your exam when you are not. If I have not specifically told you that you are exempt then you should not assume that you are. Remember that no student can be exempt from a NCFE or EOC exam.

3. If you have any books that have been loaned to you, be sure that they are returned or replaced if they have been lost. You will not receive a diploma if you have fines or books remaining checked out to you.

4. I've posted my exam schedule below. Know where and when you need to be. If you have questions, be sure to ask!

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