Friday, April 25, 2014

A Day Homework for the Weekend - 4/25/2014

Russian I:

Over the weekend you should spend time preparing for our work next week on the one-stem verb system.  Review all of your notes up to this point as we will continue moving forward on Tuesday/Wednesday.  Also, begin to consider what you will do for your final writing assignment in Russian.  You will be asked to write a letter about yourself to a Russian host family.  Consider your likes, dislikes, hobbies, and information about your house, family, and school life.  More details to come!

AP English III:

Your motif projects and the presentation of these projects is set for 5/1/2014.  Be prepared to submit your work and present it to the class on this day.  No late projects will be accepted.  Next class we will continue to work on multiple choice skills and strategies, so please bring back your Invisible Man questions which I checked today.

Over the weekend, complete your reading of Didion's "Keeping a Notebook", Elizabeth I's "Speech at Tilbury", Buckley's "Why Don't We Complain", and Malcolm X's "Learning to Read".  Annotate heavily with an eye on analysis and argumentation.  These will be some of our final review pieces before we take the AP Exam on 5/9/2014.

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