Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring Break Reminders

I slept in until nine this morning and it was absolutely glorious.  I hope that all of you had a beginning to Spring Break which was just as wonderful for you.  Here are your reminders for break.

AP English III:

Your biggest goal for Spring Break is to put forth a lot of work on your motif projects.  You should attempt to finish the projects that way when we get back you only need to see me to get edits or feedback.  Remember that A-day projects are due on the 19th and B-day projects are due on the 20th.  Follow the instructions on the sheet to the letter and feel free to e-mail me questions.  It may take me a bit of time to get back to you, but I promise that I will.

When we get back from break we'll be starting our final unit on The Things They Carried.  Please secure yourself a copy of this book.  I'll have copies in the room for you to check out when we return if you need one from me.  This is our last book for the year and we'll also be focusing a lot on final preparation for the AP exam.  Enjoy your time off!

English I:

You all don't have any homework over break but I would suggest that you work on your extra credit projects.  These will be due in mid-May.  If you are completing the journaling assignment, you will want to answer three questions (Honors) or two questions (Standard) from numbers one through five on the journaling sheet.  Feel free to use your grammar journal or to just write them on sheets of paper/type them. Be sure that you do keep your journals together, however.

Also, remember that you have a writing assignment due after break - the movie review; final drafts will be due on the 19th and 20th when we return.

With that, I'm off to try to finish grading all of your final exams and research papers today so that I can enjoy the rest of my break.  See you all next Monday!

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