Friday, November 10, 2023

10 November - Happy Friday and Veterans' Day!

AP Language

Wonderful end to the week today in AP Language. We explored one of my favorite authors, Joan Didion, and her ideas around truth, memory, the past, and the issue of bias. I appreciated the conversation we were having and the connections that we built back to The Great Gatsby and our narrator. Remember that as we look at these parallel pieces we are building our analysis of non-fiction skills, our analytical writing skills, and our reading skills that are key for the AP Examination.

Over the weekend, read and annotate Chapter 7. Focus on using your motif tracker to follow major ideas in the text. Remember that we're moving to the end of the novel, so it's important start to draw your focus in on key motifs and meanings in the novel. We'll be finishing the project in the week after Thanksgiving Break, so putting in adequate time now is important. As always, reach out with anything that I can do for you to assist.

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