Thursday, October 14, 2021

Enrichment Day - 14 October

AP English Language

Today was our Rhetorical Analysis enrichment day! I hope that you appreciated the lesson, time for reflection, and the group based practice. As you work through this project, your first goal is to complete your rhetorical analysis. Remember, we're all focused on social commentary so first you have to think of an issue that needs comment. Use your passions as a guide. If you care about climate change, then find a text which comments upon or satirizes that issue. The goal of your analysis will be to show and explain how the commentary is made clear.

I've posted the resources from today's lesson on Schoology. Blue Day students - I would suggest checking out this video as you are building and planning your rhetorical analysis. We'll have more time next class for project time. Remember that your choice of Zinn reading is due next class.

English 10

Today was our enrichment day! It was a day to explore around the world and learn a bit more about where our book and our main characters come from. I hope that you enjoyed the time to explore and travel a bit, no matter where you found yourself going.

If you didn't complete the assignment today in class, be sure that you complete and submit as much as you can by the end of the weekend. If you're missing any assignments, this can earn back some points. If you don't have any missing work, than this work can add points to a low scoring assignment.

Next class we'll be reading one of our anchor texts in this unit - a beautiful short story from the Palestinian Territories. I'm looking forward to us reading something as a whole class and then exploring one of our main themes in this unit - the connection between land and people.

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