Monday, October 4, 2021

4 and 5 October

AP Language

Today's class was about breaking open The Crucible in order to set a foundation for the rest of our study. We understood the main characters in the play, their essential motivations, and the way in which multiple conflicts, topics, and forces are working in the play so far.

Next class we'll continue with Act 2. This scene is all about John and Elizabeth Proctor. Notice their relationship, the way in which tension operates, and the speed of the changes in Salem. We'll have an assessment on Friday/Monday which covers Act 1 and Act 2. We'll also begin on the project in earnest next class. Be sure to review the requirements, the exemplars, and the documents in the folder for you.

If you have anything missing from Unit 1 it is extremely important that this is turned in ASAP. The end of the quarter will occur at the end of the month.

English 10

Today we did a lot of great work y'all! I'm so glad that we have time every day to read and enjoy our texts. We focused a bit on how the characters are impacted by the characters and forces at play around them. This is super important as all of our books are about growing up in the world - so we should consider the way in which the characters are affected by the forces around them.

Tonight you have vocabulary due. Be sure to upload your version of the vocabulary bookmark with your ten words, definitions, and synonyms. This should be an easy 4.0 assignment. Use Google Dictionary for help with your words. Keep in mind that you'll keep subitting the same document all year as you get more vocabulary.

Our assignment for the week is our Arts and Crafts on our protagonist. For this I want you to create an image of the main character (some of you may need to pick one). The question for you to answer in your paragraph response is: What is the main character like as the book begins? Be sure to create a clear paragraph that uses evidence from the book. These assignments are due at the end of the week.

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