Thursday, February 6, 2020

2/6/2020 Early Release - Weather - Weekend Homework - B Day

AP Research

We didn't have class today with the early release due to weather. Don't fear! Keep working at home! Come in on Monday with data collected and drafting done! It will help a lot. We'll make sure that we are ready to keep moving forward then.

AP Lit

Today in class we finished Act I of Twelfth Night. It was a day to go back to London and see the professionals on stage. I am glad that you're getting the humor more as you are watching the play. Shakespeare always makes more sense the more you work with him.

For tonight and the weekend be sure to work on your Poetry Analysis project. Remember that you are heavily annotating the selected poem and then you will write a 500 word analysis that uses a critic to support your interpretation. Come in on Thursday with a draft of this essay - you'll have time to work in class on peer review. Monday will be a day to review Act I and prepare for our assessment. If you haven't started your vocabulary cards yet - be sure to - they are due by Thursday!

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