Friday, January 25, 2013

Homework for All Classes - 1/25 and 1/28

Early Release because of SNOW!?  That's the best thing ever!  Well, I would have liked full classes, but we can make up the time throughout the next few days.  Here are your notes for the weekend or Monday night to prepare you for Tuesday/Wednesday.

AP English IV

Over the weekend I'd like for you to read Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" from your Perrine book.  As you read the story, think especially about connections to O'Connor -- the stories mirror each other in a few ways which I hope we'll be able to tease out in our discussion and analysis.  As a note, we've only got two more stories to read after this one so you may find it useful to begin to review the other texts that we've studied so far to prepare you for a comprehensive exam on this short literature unit.

Don't forget about your poetry projects -- they'll be due a week from Monday.  Nobody has really come to see me yet, so I assume that everything is going swimmingly with these.

AP English III

Over the weekend I'll be reviewing your paper proposals and returning those to you on Tuesday/Wednesday - make sure that if you did not get this assignment submitted on time that you get this turned in ASAP, don't fall behind.  E-mail is an acceptable option for this assignment as speed is of the essence.

To prepare for our next class please read ALL of Act II of The Crucible.  Pay special attention to the development of John and Elizabeth Proctor as characters - we're really going to get to know them in Act II.  Also, we will spend a bit of time reviewing Act I since we were rushed today.  Lastly, please complete a works cited entry for your texts - we'll spend some time talking about MLA formatting on Tuesday/Wednesday.

English IV

You have no required homework, but if you are missing an assignment you need to get it turned in.  The only assignment at this point which you can be missing is the vocabulary assignment for Twelfth Night.  For this, find five words from our reading so far which are new to you.  Once you have those words, note the act, scene, and line number next to the word.  Then, define the word, give two synonyms and finally create a sentence which uses the word with context.  Don't just drop the word in, but show me in your sentence that you know what it means.

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