Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Homework - 2/8

A good day was had by all, I think.  Tomorrow's a PLC day - hooray for half days.


Tonight you will need to finish reading A Separate Peace.  On Thursday/Friday we will discuss the ending of the novel and begin our transition to poetry.  Don't forget that your projects are also due on Thursday/Friday - a presentation of part of your project is required and will count toward your overall project grade.


Tonight you need to read chapters eight through eleven of The Catcher in the Rye.  We are moving to a new section of the text - Holden's adventures in New York City.  Pay attention to what stays the same with Holden and what changes.  Furthermore, I'd like for you to take one of the words on your bookmark and create your first vocabulary card.  This is a practice - but it will count toward your cards for the week.  Thus, this Friday, you will only need two completed cards and ten words on your bookmark.

Enjoy the afternoon.  See you all tomorrow!

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