Tuesday, March 23, 2010

English III - Reading - 3/23

Your assignment tonight is to read all of Act IV. I would break this up for you, but I think that it's important for you to read the whole act. There are several things that you should pay attention to as you read this section tonight.
  1. How much time as passed between Act III and Act IV?
  2. What is going on in the town of Andover? Why is this important when considering the idea of power and authority?
  3. What happened to Abigail?
  4. What has happened to Parris in Salem? His reputation?
  5. Why are the judges so concerned about postponing the execution of John Proctor?
  6. What has happened to the town of Salem?
  7. The wind reappears toward the end of Act IV - what meaning could this symbol have?
  8. Pay close attention to the scene at the end of John's confession. What's going on here? What is the meaning of the scene about honesty and truth?
  9. What is the irony of Danforth discussing lies?
  10. How is the motif of dark and light used at the end of Act IV?

If you can answer all of these questions about Act IV then you are in good shape. Be prepared to quickly review Act IV tomorrow and then work on a group assignment. Also, continue to work on your thesis statements for your Mean Girls paper. If your thesis was approved today, you may want to think about what you need to discuss to prove this and organizing your information.

If you need help, ask. I'm available after school on Wednesday.

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