Thursday, September 21, 2023

21 September - Going into Yom Kippur Weekend

AP Language

A pretty solid day today as we engaged with a difficult text written a bit above the high school level. Remember that this is going to be a regular occurrence. We are a college level class, so we'll read college level texts. You made the choice to accept this challenge when you signed up for this class. We discussed several strategies to deal with difficult texts - I'm a big fan of using the structures the texts provides, especially sections, to navigate difficult waters.

Our conversation and work on Anzaldua was especially rich. I enjoyed seeing your focus on language, identity, legitimacy, and the power of politics to determine worth. You may find it helpful to review the recording as we had a very deep conversation. Fantastic work!

Our next class is going to be our gallery walk for our projects. I've been focusing a lot of people to use evidence in their slides to support their claims. Also remember the way in which audience determines purpose and message -- determine your two audiences for the text and focus the analysis on them. If you'd like to get ahead on reading then you'll want Cuomo. The link to his speech is posted in Materials; we'll have a handout for you next week. Remember that it's a speech, so you may want to watch the video from 1984 before reading. 

I hope to see you next week - I've been called for jury duty, so I hope to get excused so that I can be with you.

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