Monday, February 6, 2023

6 February - Rolling On Along

AP Language

Solid day today as we took time for direct instruction related to building the Annotated Bibliography. This assignment will look at your skills related to Claims and Evidence and Reasoning and Organization Reading. In this assignment you'll be writing a paragraph about 5-7 key sources. These should be the same source in your sourcepack. Remember the lesson - the research topic/question/prompt is your filter for your entries. 

The Annotated Bibliography is due on March 8. The Timed Writing - Synthesis will be on March 24. Remember that you must complete your sourcepack before that date in order to write on your topic that you've prepared. Don't forget that group meetings have also shifted. New dates are 2/16 (Meeting 4), 2/23 (Meeting 5) and 3/1 (Meeting 6). This is the date that the book should be finished. 

Be ready for your meeting next class. Meet your daily goals. Prepare and produce an item daily. Use Lion Time or After School if you need me!

AP Research

We finished out our presentations today with a lot of success and gold medals. There will be one more presentation before we begin our final PODs. In the next presentation you'll be reviewing your data, analysis, and your reflection on your hypothesis. This will be an assignment for Quarter 4. So, don't worry about it for now. Build off of what you've done and keep moving forward.

Right now you're going to find yourself in a few different spaces. You should be writing your paper. Revise what you've already done. Keep finalizing writing. I'll be assigning your final draft of your Introduction and Literature Review in a few weeks. You should be collecting your data and setting up meeting with participants. Remember that you can use class time to meet, have calls, and do this important work. You can also leave class and visit others in the building. We'll talk about this procedure on Wednesday. Lastly, don't forget your plan for the unit. Submit that this week.

Next class you'll have a good amount of working time! Accomplish your goals and move forward. Avoid being Richard the Second from Shakespeare - "I wasted time, and now doth time waste me...". See you Wednesday.

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