Friday, December 16, 2022

Off to the New Year!

AP Language

Solid day in AP Language land today. We looked at Act IV in some segments in order to understand the major changes at play from Act I to Act IV and the way in which these changes communicate meaning to us as readers. From there we worked into our final conversation on The Crucible to understand the main arguments that Miller is presenting and the connections that this text has to the overall line of reasoning that we're creating in this classroom through the texts that we read.

Over Winter Break there is no work assigned. If you have tasks to complete, it's recommended that you complete them. I've also opened up AP Classroom so that you can review your MCQ skills before our second AP Exam. This exam will happen soon after we return from break and gives you a chance to reset on all of your grades before we move into the second semester.

Enjoy your break! Check out the Weekly Exigence for some ideas on how to spend your time!

AP Research

Fun times in Research land today as we flexed our creative muscles. I'm excited to see the end result. If you're going to be doing anything for class over the break, work on writing your paper. This is the best thing to do to be ready for the return and the beginning of data collection.

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