Monday, November 7, 2022

7 November

AP Language

Lovely day for feedback in AP Language today. We updated our score sheets, saw a bit of growth, and reviewed targeted feedback for our next writing assignments. Keep in mind that the feedback you get is derived right from the work you've done. Take a look at the rubric you received and the work you did. Do you see the feedback in your work? You may want to annotate your work in order to prepare for your next attempt. We'll be doing a timed write again soon to resubmit these writing skills.

Tonight your goal is to complete Chapter 6. Read and annotate for more information about Gatsby and his past. Your timeline will be a helpful tool here. Also, be sure that you complete your motif tracker as you are reading. Keeping up with this assignment bit by bit will really help you. Consider why Fitzgerald organized the appearances of the color in this way. How does it help him to make an argument about an idea?

AP Research

Today was our kickoff for Unit 3 - Method, Approach and the Design of Scholarly Inquiry. This unit is the make or break method because it's what distinguishes the pass from the fail. You have to have a means to answer your question and you have to be able to explain and justify each part of that plan. I think that a lot of you are now seeing a new way to use your existing work, be sure to keep paying it forward as we move forward. 

For tonight, you should complete your Expert Advisor Research - find one potential expert in your field. Research them. How may they be helpful for you? This is a great chance to try to reach out and get additional help - for some of you it may be a chance to get ready for your futures. We'll discuss these people next class as a means to discuss ethics and proper work in our field. Also, keep writing. Use the plan and sketch your outlines. Putting the content together helps! 

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