Monday, May 23, 2022

23 and 24 May

AP Language

Great day in AP Language land with our end of year character extravaganza. After this, all of our classes are working days. If you haven't submitted your first project, reflections, or vocabulary - be sure to get them in. You've got until the 3rd of June to submit any last work. Find your rubrics, overviews, and recordings to help you with the final tasks here and let me know how I can help!

English 10

It's a pretty easy time for us in English 10 as we are completing our end of year portfolios. Remember that you have two portfolios to build which will show your skills and knowledge as an English 10 student this year. Follow the instructions in the previous post in order to set up your two portfolios. Be sure that you have artifacts that complete each requirement. If you're unsure, ask for help. Remember that everything is due by June 3, so if you have any thing else that is missing, you have the chance to get it in now!

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