Monday, March 28, 2022

28 and 29 March

AP English Language

Wonderful work today during our seminar on Brent Staples's "Just Walk On By" - I think that our review lately has been a fantastic way for all of you to develop some important frames with which you'll read your novels. Consider ideas like double consciousness, the veil, stereotype threat, and necropolitics.
Next class is going to give you the chance to find these things as you'll have a reading day next class. We'll also take some time to review for the AP Examination and focus on multiple choice testing strategies and ways to focus on working faster AND smarter.

Remember that any missing assignments are due by the end of the day on the 31st. Our final grade for the quarter was today's seminar, so, if you're satisfied with where you are, then you're done! Focus on fourth quarter and read your novels. If you're not pleased, then be sure to see me and get caught up while there's time.

English 10

We had a good day today with Pablo Neruda, though some of you were a bit harsh on some of his poetry. We read a collection of poems, one of them even about a giant tuna fish. I was happy to hear you reading and discussing poetry, and I hope you found a new way to break down and understand poetry.

From there we completed our final task for the quarter - our poetry scavenger hunt. Be sure that you check SIS and see that you have no missing assignments. If it's missing, turn it in! Next class we'll do some reading together and then take time to close out the quarter.

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