Monday, February 14, 2022

14 and 15 February

Happy Valentine's Day! Remember everyone, "If you can't love yourself, then how in the heck are you going to love somebody else?" Be sure to always take time to love yourself and your amazingness! I love all of you and am so happy to be your teacher. Now, on to the business.

AP Language

Today's class was a bit of a set-up and then delivery as we discussed some of the requirements and suggestions around building your eventual paper. The important thing is to realize that this paper is very different from what you've done in the past, even though it looks similar. Beware the temptation to turn this into a body of quotes and paraphrases with a bit of context - this isn't a report, it's an argument. The evidence is here for YOU to present and prove YOUR argument as valid.

We discussed ways to revise the argument, the goal of using evidence in the body, and some other suggestions - put these forward as you work through your outline. The next step of the process is also part of today's lesson. This is a very simple assignment - basically just a copy and paste job. See the template and the samples posted.

As always - let me know if you need me. Lion Time can be very useful right now!

English 10

Today we had a solid day where we took a bit of a thematic diversion away from Russia and Eastern Europe to investigate Burma. The line to connect the two areas is unfortunately not a very good one - the connection betwen authoritarianism and the limiting of personal freedom and expression. Our author Aung San Suu Kyi is a victim of these same policies today - an important reminder that the ideas we explore in class are more than ideas for some people in this world.

Class focused on our law and justice seminar and then we read and analyzed her speech "Misrule of Law" - see the recording if you were absent. Next class we'll make some more connections back to our unit and take time for test corrections. If you haven't yet finished your test, come and see me tomorrow during LT to finish that.

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