Monday, January 10, 2022

10 and 11 January

AP Language

Welcome back! It was good to see so many of you today in class. We had a relatively easy day since we had to complete academic advising for English today. While I was doing that, there was time to work on AP Classroom Progress Checks, Vocabulary, or get ahead on your motif projects. We started off with our reflection from the unit mini-project on RA (find that link in the folders).

As a reminder, vocabulary is due. Please submit on Schoology. AP Classroom work will be unlocked during class or Lion Time, so plan accordingly to complete that work. Next class will be your full workshop for the motif project, you may want to complete part of that work tonight to be better prepared for your class time next class. I also need to check your novels, so don't forget your notes. 

If you have anything missing, now is the time to complete those tasks. Please reach out if you need me for anything.

English 10

Today's class was a day for us to get our heads back on our shoulders and pointed in the right direction as we return to school and to Unit 3 - Research. At this point in the project, most of you are either studying your text (in some way, shape, or form) or you're ready to research the author/historical context to support your claim.

We understood at the end of today's class what our thesis is for this final presentation and what type of research we need to support that claim. Your task is to find the biographical or historical information to help you complete this project. By the end of next class you should show me your research notecard which includes your citation and your three notes.

Next class we will review the structure of our final project and have time to work. Keep in mind that you have just two grades left this quarter - so be sure to stay focused on completing these tasks.

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