Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Beginning the Week - 2 March 2021

AP Language

Today was our day to begin the study and analysis of Invisible Man. This is going to be a long slog, but it's well worth it. In my opinion, this is one of the most important novels written in the last 100 years in the United States. It will give you new perspectives on old and contemporary issues in our society. It's not an easy read to be sure, but it is rewarding. 

As you read, continue to use the tools you've been given. Annotate. Use your motif charts. Collect vocabulary. Be active and think as you read. We won't figure everything out, but together we can figure out more.

Next class will be our final day to submit essays, conference on the writing process, or complete the AP Classroom FRQ. I'll be available on Wednesday during Lion Time for any needed conversations.

Next week we'll focus on Chapters 2-4. Use the YouTube videos to help you make sense of these difficult chapters. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

English 10

Today in class we took time to discuss some issues related to grammar before jumping in to the last task in our unit - the final interpretation. I know that the outline for this document is complicated - that's because we're working with a complex skill. The goal is always the same though: creating clear claims which are supported with evidence. I was very happy to get the chance to conference with you today - if we didn't meet today, then we will next class.

As you are working today, the main task is the outline. Completing your outline will give you a lot of great work to help you put together your final interpretation. We'll chat about outlines next class if we didn't today - work through it as much as you can so that we can have a productive conference. We can also meet on Wednesday during Lion Time if needed.

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