Thursday, December 10, 2020

Ending the Week - Thursday, 10 December

AP Language

Today was time to review the requirements and process for the group argumentative essay as part of the Satire Website project. As a group, you had time to generate an argument (or the beginning of an argument) so that you all know from which perspective and for what purpose to use your text now. Over the weekend, you should take time to work through this and anything else required with your project. I'll be available on Monday to review your work and conference in Office Hours.

Next class is devoted to the websites. You'll have nothing but time in your group to write, edit, revise, and construct. I'll be available throughout class for help. Don't forget that vocabulary cards are due, and the place to submit them is posted.

I'll have quizzes scored and returned to you by the end of the day on Monday. If you want to retake or apply extra credit points, let me know via email.

English 10

Today we took time to do some individual reading and study in Persepolis as well as a brief grammar review. Remember to submit your slide from your reading today - it's a small ten point assignment.

Over the weekend, you should finish your work on your comic book and turn that in. Use the recording on Google Classroom to review how to turn in pictures of your work for this project. If you need help, come see me on Monday during Office Hours. I'm looking forward to seeing your stories!

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