Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Homework for A-Day Students: 6 September 2017

Russian I

Now we know all of the letters except for the two silent ones! Hooray! I'll start to speak a lot more Russian with you now since we have a good base underneath us. For tonight as well as for the weekend you should be focused on continuing to learn the letters of the Russian alphabet. Eventually you will want to be able to read and write the letter without looking at your notes.

Be sure to practice with all of the letters and words in the packet. Give your best attempt at all of the writing in the packet!

Advanced Russian

We did not have a chance to get to our writing conferences today, and that's okay. Be sure to bring your writing with you on Friday so that I can review it then. For tonight you will want to work with the Russian II verbs on the sheet I gave you in class. You will find it helpful to use an online resource to help you with conjugations with these verbs. I stumbled across this site - - which does a lot of work for you. Remember with each verb to work through the tasks at the bottom. Russian II should do row one. Russian III should do all of the Russian II verbs.

English IV

Today in class we got a lot of good writing and planning done to set us up for Friday. On Friday, we'll be going into the computer lab in order to start writing our personal essays. Make sure that you have thoroughly thought about your brainstorming and that you have considered some moments from your life that you'll include in this essay as evidence.

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