Thursday, April 18, 2013

Homework for All Classes - 4/18 and 4/19 - Weekend Edition

Here are your reminders to get you through the weekend.

AP English IV

You have your final drafts of your Twelfth Night papers due this coming Monday.  If you still want to see me or get my feedback on your writing try to make that happen tomorrow as I will not be available this weekend for extra help.  Remember that you are making an argument about this play and what Shakespeare is accomplishing through his skill as a playwright.  Show me that analytical skill!

In One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich I'd like for you to read to the point where the men are getting lined up to return to the camp.  Continue to pay attention to trends in the text.  Good discussion today on characters.

AP English III

First let's talk about your research papers.  Our new and FINAL due date is the 30th of April.  All students will submit their final drafts on this date even though it's an A-day.  We'll go over what you will turn in to me closer to the due date.  If you have not yet conferenced on your paper and haven't signed up for a date I want to let you all know that Thursday April 25th is available.  You must see me or contact me directly to sign up for a spot on this date.

In terms of Invisible Man, you need to finish reading Chapter Twenty-Four this weekend.  We will be working through this as well as touching on a few topics from the Staples article on Monday/Tuesday and I'll be reviewing your final assessment on Invisible Man.

AP English Students -- If you are taking the AP Exam and did not complete the pre-registration due to being absent from class, please make an appointment in guidance to take care of this.

English IV

Over the weekend I want you to do some writing for me.  Answer the following question using well developed paragraphs:
What are the two most important parts of your day?  Why?
Make sure as you respond to this question you fill your writing with detail so that I can really understand the importance of these moments to you.

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