Monday, February 25, 2013

Homework for 2/25 and 2/26

First I want to take a second to make mention of progress reports.  Right now, for a lot of you, progress reports are not very accurate due to the fact that a lot of you are missing work from being absent or from being on a school related trip.  Please come to see me this week about these assignments.  As I get them graded, your Jupiter access will get updated.

Here are your reminders for tonight:

AP English IV

Tonight I would like for you to read through to the end of Act II, Scene 2.  Keep track of your vocabulary notes as we will begin to develop these words into a more coherent approach to Shakespeare's language next class.  I especially want you to look at Act I, Scene 5 as this is a very important scene in understanding some of the larger comedy at work in the play.

AP English III

Next class you all have your term papers due for me.  You will be turning in the following:
  1. Your final draft with cover sheet filled out, the draft itself, and your rubric.
  2. Your draft from peer editing.
  3. Your proposal with my feedback.
  4. Any outlines or other documents used to prepare your final draft
Along with this you also want to bring in your copy of Invisible Man.  We're going to start reading on Wednesday/Thursday.

English IV

Tonight you should spend some time studying for your grammar test as well as completing your Act II viewing guide and worksheet.  Hopefully you were able to finish taking notes for most of the questions.  Be sure to pay attention to the questions marked with a ** as you need to answer these questions in complete sentences, expressing a full idea. 

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