Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jan. 26 - Homework for All Classes

First, English III:

I hope that you all had a good first day in class today. I threw a lot of information at you all but I think we're going to have a really good year. It's going to be important to keep the chatty-ness under control as we get going in the year. Tonight you need to finish your diagnostic essay assignment. The question that you're answering is:

What is "America"?

Use the brainstorming that we did in class today to begin this assignment. Do your best writing so that I can see what we need to work on throughout the semester.

Now, English I:

You all need to study for your Poetry Exam. Take the study guide I gave you and get ready. You should probably spend at least ninety minutes or so each night getting ready.

If anyone has any questions, please ask them here.

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