Thursday, October 22, 2009

Homework - 10/22 and 10/23


Your homework tonight is to review the information on pages 138-145. This is an expanded version of the information that I gave you in class today. In addition, you need to read the two Longfellow poems on pages 172 and 174. You will also need to read the information on Longfellow provided on page 170.


Your homework is to read chapter three of A Separate Peace. Standard students will complete one dialectical notebook entry and honors students will complete two. By the end of the reading you should have made the following entries:

Honors - Four entries for chapter one. Two entries for chapter two and three.
Standard - Two entries for chapter one. One entry for chapter two and three.

I will be checking your DN's in class on Tuesday/Wednesday.

1 comment:

Konrad said...

Can you please Email me a copy of a DN so i can get my work done, thanks.
(Hope you noticed the patterns)