Tuesday, March 11, 2025

11 March - Thankful for Tuesday

English 11

Wonderful version of a Tuesday today in English 11. We got so much done and really worked through items related to our upcoming presentations and our study of poetry. Let's do a quick review and recap of the day.

We started with presentations. Remember that these presentations are going to count as EIGHT grades for you. We've got THREE for Oral Communication and FIVE for writing. We reviewed the rubrics and scoring guidelines for each element. Remember that if you're working on a team, you'll share the Writing: Central Idea score as the thesis should be owned by all members of the group. Consider the most approachable type of presentation for you. Will you record yourself? Do a video? A slides with a recording? Or will you do it live? Think about what you'll write and what you'll say. We'll keep prepping and working through this into next class and next week.

From there we did our quick poetry study of Phillis Wheatley and then our quiz to check for understanding. Sorry for the error with Question 2 and 3 - that's what happens with Performance Matters, sometimes. I'll review your work and we'll review for our test. The main thing that I'm seeing is that I need to teach some more literary devices related to poetry.

We didn't get around to vocabulary today because of the time constraints, so we'll do that next time. Remember that we'll also start working on Book Projects next class. If you need special materials, I'd recommend bringing them. As always, reach out with any questions or concerns.

Friday, March 7, 2025

7 March - End of the Week with Emily Dickinson

English 11

And with that, the week is complete. Great work this week, y'all. I'm really excited to see these presentations that you all are putting together based on your books. I appreciate the way that you're focused on presenting your own argument, digging into source material and information, and putting various viewpoints together to support your overall idea. Each team/person is in a slightly different place, and that's totally okay. Next week we'll focus on taking some time to finish our planning and put the final product together. We'll start presenting week after next - remember that you can sign up for any date you'd like - but all presentations must be completed by March 25th.

After our start with our presentations, we moved into reading and studying poetry. We looked at a famous American poet - Emily Dickinson - and we discussed diction, imagery, and figurative language. These poems stretch our brains a bit because they read like riddles, but using the clues the author provides, we were able to figure it out.

We ended the day with vocabulary and began our study of List Six. If you missed the vocabulary quiz, please make an appointment to get that settled. At the end of the quarter, it's important that we settle missing work as soon as possible. 

I look forward to seeing you next week. We'll be finishing our book study next week, so if you have a missing quiz or need to finish reading, make that the priority for the weekend! You may also want to begin to pull together any materials that you'll need for your project.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

5 March - Happy Spring!

English 11

Happy Wednesday Everyone! It was great to be back with you all today. Today was a bit of an everything class, but we were focused on assessment of learning and improving our skills for the future. We started things off by completing our vocabulary review and studying before our quiz. I've updated the grades in the gradebook based on your most recent demonstration of your skill. Remember, if you didn't complete the review activity then the quiz will count for both. If you missed today's quiz or you'd like a retake, just make an appointment for Friday, and we'll settle it up.

After the quiz we rolled into some feedback and review on our upcoming presentations. We did a great lesson on the different types of argument because I see a lot of you needing to extend your skill to meet a new need. Think about the flavor of argument that you're presenting and be sure to include key language related to that. We also focused on the idea of defining key words and phrases with specificity and the important distinction between EFFECT and AFFECT. 

At the end of class, we took time as we needed for questions and concerns and to develop the ideas of our project. I'll begin presentations starting March 17. You can come during lunch, Lion Time, or we can do it during class. When you're ready, we'll complete the task. Remember you're getting writing grades and oral communication. Next week we'll be focused on our creative book projects - this is your reading score. If you're missing your quiz, please get that turned in by Friday to avoid a zero. The last major grade we have for this quarter is our Poetry Test. This will happen in the last weeks of the quarter. We'll do a bit more study and review before.

Let's keep crushing our goals as we move to the end of the quarter. Come visit at Lion Time for the extras you may need.