Tuesday, March 12, 2024

12 March - Writing, Feedback, and Invisible Man

AP Language and Composition

Pretty simple and straightforward day today in AP Language with a day focused on our research and our writing. We started off class with some time to dig into sources and our research write-up document. This document is super important as you are farming your sources and constructing your final synthesis sourcepack to support your presentation. Remember that part of working with the sources is to write about them in order to determine their possible use in your work. If you think that you can use the source, then put it in your sourcepack. We'll be checking on reading skills soon, this Annotated Bibliography is designed to help you develop those skills.

We also spent time today discussing our writing skills. Some of us are showing some growth, others maybe are still hitting speedbumps. Let's make sure that we're focused on pushing forward and solving problems. Use your class time and Lion Time effectively. A writing conference is key! Let's set a goal and accomplish it together. Remember, we have just nine weeks until the AP Examination!

Don't forget your reading and discussion board posts for Invisible Man. Next class we're looking at Chapters 20-22. This is a really important section of the novel. Trigger Warning: There is police violence in this section. Read, annotate, and think. I'll look forward to seeing you on Thursday. 

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