Wednesday, January 31, 2024

31 January - Chapter 2 and Jim Trueblood

AP Language

Great day in AP Language today as we dealt with one of the most difficult and complex chapters of the book, Chapter 2. During today's class we focused a lot on characters and their importance in the novel. As we move through this opening section of the book, it's important to see the way in which TIM interacts with different characters and how they affect him. Consider what he understands and what he doesn't understand. We often will understand more than he does because we can see things that he doesn't. 

Remember to use your motif trackers as you are moving through the book. All of the motifs are present in the Prologue, Chapter 1, and Chapter 2. As we move to Chapter 3, you'll start to see some gaps in the motif chart. 

Next class we'll be finishing up our work on James Baldwin. Be sure to read and annotate the second half of the article. If you lost your paper copy, the PDF is posted for you. Next week we'll get into Chapter 3 and 4. Keep reading and getting into this fantastic and challenging novel. I'm excited to help you continue to discover. Next class I'll be out and you'll have a substitute. Be sure to complete all of the tasks by the end of the day.

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