Tuesday, September 27, 2022

27 September - Happy (Jewish) New Year

I'm back recharged and refreshed from my days on the Appalachian Trail this weekend. What a great way to celebrate the new year, in nature, with my thoughts and time to reflect. Here are your reminders for tonight.

English 10

Today we began our process to end Unit 1 - our investigation of culture. We reviewed the final project and I went over my exemplar for all of you. I hope that you enjoyed learning a bit more about me today and my family. Next class we'll be taking some time to go to the library and select our first reading books of the year for our reading raffle - we'll also complete our writing diagnostic (don't worry, it's scored based on completion).

Now is a good time to check SIS for any missing assignments. If you see something marked as NHI or M, focus on making that up. Some of you need to complete the reading diagnostic - it's currently marked as missing if you were absent the day we took it.

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