Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Homework for Day 1 (Part 2) - B Day - 27 August

Be sure to use the first post of the year to join our Google Classroom page. It's an important space for all of the classes to access.

AP English Literature

Today in class we discussed two of the most important literary devices that there are - tone and irony. A lot of the things that we will find ourselves doing this year will be discussing how tone and irony are at play in the texts that we are reading and the purpose behind those elements. Remember the other key idea about class - Everything that authors do is intentional and purposeful. This means that there are no wrong answers, just those with a lot of support and those with little support.

Tonight you have your paperwork to accomplish and some reading to do. Please take the handout and read Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants". Pay attention to the tone and irony at use in the story. On Google Classroom I posted today's slides, be sure to check those out too for other ideas. Remember that when you have a reading assignment that means annotating too!

AP Research

Great work just jumping right in today and getting started. Remember that right now we're working on the Dry Run, but this is a mirror of what you should be doing too. We've got to start right away with brushing off our skills from last year and doing some small r research to get to our big R tasks. Tonight spend time in Google Classroom and post TWO sources that we can use to define our Body of Knowledge related to our problem statement. This is crucial for our revision process and the development of our question. Remember to use APA formatting as you work. Give us a brief explanation of the usefulness of the source. That will be the key bit we need moving forward.

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