Monday, August 20, 2018

Opening the Year - 2018-2019

Hello Parents and Students! Below is some important information to be aware of as we start our classes. Please see the notes below about each document.

Parent/Student Information Sheet

This is the same as the paper version which will be sent home on the first day of class. Please complete this online version or paper version for my records. If you complete an online version, please return the paper version with the student's name filled out and actual signatures at the bottom.

Google Classroom

Outside of this classroom blog I will be posting a lot in our Google Classroom space. This is a wonderful place to go if you have missed class or if you have missed something in class. Handouts, class notes, and other important resources will be posted here. Use the codes below for your specific class to gain access. Remember to join class using your DPS Google Account ( and your DPS password (the same you use to access computers on campus).

AP English IIIt86rhds
English IVbu7bl
AP Seminartzooce
Russian I662ysix
Advanced Russian (II/III)df3adf

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