Thursday, November 30, 2017

Homework for the Weekend - English Students - 30 November 2017

English IV

Today, we began class with a quotes quiz. This served as a good review of some of the characters present in Act I, and gave us more practice translating Shakespearean dialogue into our own style of English. After that, we covered some things that make comedians/actors/jokes funny: tone of voice, pacing, and volume. We then did a whole group activity and began our study of Act II, finishing out our character charts. If you have missed days and don't know some information about a few of the characters, I'm including some on this blog post. Come to class ready for a quiz on Monday, and have a great weekend!

Olivia: rich woman in Illyria, mourning her dead brother, in love with Cesario (Viola)
Duke Orsino: political leader of Illyria, loves Olivia, employs Cesario (Viola) to woo Olivia
Viola: shipwrecked woman, pretends to be a woman to work for the Duke, in love with the Duke
Sir Toby: Olivia's drunk uncle, acts silly all the time
Malvolio: Olivia's assistant, doesn't like anybody
Feste: Olivia's jester, messes around all the time, very witty
Sir Andrew: kind of a goofball, friends with Sir Toby, tries to woo Maria and Olivia
Sebastian: Viola's brother! He's not dead! Thinks Viola is dead, goes to Orsino at the end of Act II, Scene 2

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