Thursday, November 8, 2012

AP English III - A Day Homework - 11/8

A-Day AP English III Students:

Over the weekend you have a few things to take care of, here they are in the order of importance.

1.  Study for your exam on The Great Gatsby.  You will have quotation identifications, short answer questions, and an annotation/rhetorical analysis assignment.  Be aware that I will also be checking your final annotations the day of the test.  Your covers should be complete as well as any notes within the text.  Strong annotations lead to strong test grades.  I hope that you all are prepared for this exam.

2.  Your vocabulary slides are going to be graded a week from today (the 15th).  I'm including the link here.  To your A-day slide show.  Please follow the instructions in the document and upload your information.  The final due date is the beginning of class on the 15th.  I would recommend trying to do this THIS WEEKEND - that way if you have problems using the interface we can sort those out next week before it's due.

3.  You will want to get a copy of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for class by the 15th.  We will start studying our next novel that day.  I'm looking forward to studying this book with all of you.  It's a wonderful text and I think you're going to all enjoy it a lot.

And now, the photos from today:

Excellent job with the skit project today!  I hope that this review of the major scenes in the text was fun and helpful for all of you.  Enjoy the weekend!

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