Wednesday, May 4, 2011

5/4/2011 - PLC Day

A few things that you should all take care of this afternoon as you are home early and I am in meetings.


Don't forget that your take-home exams are due at the beginning of class on Thursday/Friday.  I will not accept these late.  Whatever you get done will be taken tomorrow.  I will not really have a lot of sympathy for those who did not finish the whole exam - you've had two days and all of your resources to get this done.


Tomorrow we will have a brief quiz on Walt Whitman - if you haven't yet caught up on what we did in class on Monday, go back a few posts to see the pages that you should review for this information.  Furthermore, don't forget about your writing assignment due on Friday - the "Song of Myself."  Put some thought and effort into these and make sure that you deal with all of the listed elements in your poem.  Finally, I would like for you to spend some time tonight as you read your novels to think about your thesis.  Begin to clarify it now so that this paper doesn't sneak up and bite you at the end of the semester.

See you all tomorrow!

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